- Chuck Norris does not accrue for expenses…he accrues for pain
- Chuck Norris does not use binders…all his workpapers are held together by hairs from his beard
- Chuck Norris does not use a ruler when making "power tickmarks"…. he naturally draws perfectly straight lines
- What’s in Chuck Norris’ snack drawer? Two words…baby kittens.
- Chuck Norris has a hard drive…but it doesn’t refer to what’s in his computer.
- Chuck Norris takes a 15 minute coffee break every 5 minutes
- When a partner asked if the client had any other long-term liabilities…Norris simply held up his fists
- If Chuck gets tired during the day he takes a nap….on the CEOs desk
- How does Chuck Norris test fixed assets? Answer: with a bottle of super glue and an ambitious hand
- Chuck Norris audits in the dark
- Chuck celebrates the end of each audit by burning the client’s house down. Why? Cause its just what Chuck likes to do.
- How does Chuck Norris hole punch? Answer: with a shotgun and an extremely accurate aim
- Chuck Norris not only assigns useful lives….he takes them away
- Chuck Norris does not have to dial 9 first
- Chuck Norris erases pencil marks with his beard…it erases pen too
- If he finds an exception, Chuck Norris amortizes pain over the remaining useful life of the client
- Chuck Norris has a full time plumber assigned to him for when he uses the restroom
- Chuck Norris irons his shirts with a blowtorch and a rusty piece of sheet metal
- Chuck Norris’ posting threshold for pain….unlimited.
- Chuck Norris highlights in black
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