Of all the years its been online, the blog has suffered its worst period this past year, with posts few and far between. The economy took a toll and I lost my job last year about this time, during my last firm's downsizing, and was just too stressed out to write while keeping everything afloat. Then came the new job, and all the stress that comes with that. Add to that 2 moves- renting out the house during the low phase and then coming back to it. In all of this craziness, we preserved, and- oh look how far we've come my darlin'!
I am hoping this will be a better year, though it is starting with major surgery (scheduled in 2 weeks, on me, NOT the blog). Unfortunately, it'll mean another blogging break, but that's just another thing we will sail thru, and it really is a good omen- this year will mean good health, happiness and therefore- tons of blogging.
Meanwhile, we shall party on THIS week, and I will try to make a post a day.
A very happy birthday to us!
While you enjoy today's chandeliers' update post (below), please also enjoy these lovely photos of Abhay- cant stop the pyaar.

Congratulations and many more happy blogging years
Happy birthday-to-be! I hope this year is better... job-wise, blog-wise, health-wise. Get well soon!
Bollywooddeewana: Thanks so much!
Dustedoff: Thank you- I hope so!
Many Many Happy Returns of the coming day! Here's hoping there are more fun posts on Apni East India Company and that all your troubles have 'happys endings'! :-D All the best for your surgery...
Three Cheers for apni east india co. Six cheers for theAbhayFan !! Best luck for coming years. :)
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