Year: 2007

And they had a huge argument (he and the girlfriend and , NOT the "other man")... hee hee

But guess who saves the day...

He walks away, but a car stops by him...(watch out buddy- remember when you last hitched a ride with a girl????) Its Jhanvi, who offers him a ride, happily forgetting her concussion gratis this gentleman a few panels ago...
Cast: Tushar Kapoor, Udita Goswami, Shreyas Talpade, Nauheed Cyrusi
Another unintentionally funny movie! A suspense-thriller, the movie is unsuccessful largely due to its male and female lead, who cannot emote to save their lives. With this movie, we at Apni East India Company have discovered the magic of screen caps, so lets jump right in...
The movie opens with Aryan (Tushar) being taken from jail to a mental hospital in a blue filtered shot, very dramatic...

Here he meets Dr. Adi Merchant (Shreyas), who provokes him into breaking the silence he has been living in for months....

Turns out had a girlfriend with whom he used to go to ugly 80's style discotheques with and do synchronised dances...

Until she basely cheated on him with another man....

And they had a huge argument (he and the girlfriend and , NOT the "other man")... hee hee

He slaps her around, which results in...ahem... basically this...(yup that's the gf lying dead below...)

So she is dead and since he goes nuts with shock, which basically moves the court to send him to a hospital rather than jail, where he apparently lives without a police guard- I guess they think he is safe cos he is crazy (???!!!) Dr. Adi gets him out (what the heck), and rehabilitates him, to the point where he only has to meet the doc once a week (what- doesn't the court want to convict him now for the gf''s death???).

Soon after, Aryan crashes into Ritu (Nahuheed) at the coffee shop, spoiling all her work.

She is SO impressed by his fixing her docs that he gets him a job at her office (since when does that happen???), where their boss is Jhanvi (Udita), and Aryan and Jhanvi become friends more than a little quickly....

Now Jhanvi is married to Adi, who she believes he is cheating on her- Aryan does not know either of these facts.

One thing leads to another, Jhanvi is attracted to Aryan, and they go bed when on assignment in Thailand.

On coming back, Jhanvi finds out the hubby wasn't cheating on her after all, the woman he suspected him of being with was actually an architect he was employing to build her a "dream" house. Yeah, whatever.

So of course Jhanvi is wracked with guilt...

And avoids Aryan, who is very very depressed (o oh- remember the last time this boy got depressed?????)

In a fit of rage, he confronts Jhanvi, and oh oh- we are revisited with a familiar scene...

and also..............

This results in Adi finding out about Aryan's affair with his wife etc., but forgives her quickly enough for the movie to get on with it. Meanwhile, Aryan is heartsick and tries to leave town, but finds out he is a fugitive on the run from the police (he isn't properly prosecuted for a murder, but is wanted for assault- go figure!).

So guess who overhears the call.... 

At the "Dream house" (what's with the whole dream house thing? reminds me of Barbie!), Adi has just left to get supplies. Keep in mind, the husband and wife are alone in this humongous, well- manicured mansion- no help to clean the pools and restrooms I gather...wifey/hubby get down and scrub???? but whatever.... 

As is predictable, huge fight scene ensues.....and they fight all the way to the house!

Aryan's dead, and so husband and wife end up in the bedroom (what?? no police?? no ambulance?? and what of Ritu in the car? is she still there?? 'cos I don't thing she died....). In the privacy of their bedroom, he reveals his true colors....yes folks, that's a knife he is holding to her neck....

and then....(look familar? if not, scroll up a few panels!)

But this time around, this dame is more hardly built than gf#1, and survives the fall. Does that deter Aryan? Nope, apparently he ain't done yet. He comes back and has another face off with Jhanvi, which involves a lot of slapping her around and yet more violence against women....

This is where dear Dr. Adi walks in on them, and basically saves the day (at least for the time being)....

Some rather awkward fighting ensues......

This results in Adi finding out about Aryan's affair with his wife etc., but forgives her quickly enough for the movie to get on with it. Meanwhile, Aryan is heartsick and tries to leave town, but finds out he is a fugitive on the run from the police (he isn't properly prosecuted for a murder, but is wanted for assault- go figure!).

Searching for a way out, walking on a empty street (in Bombay!), a car drives up to him- and lo and behold! It is Ritu to his rescue...

She brings him home, and he witnesses a call from Jhanvi to her, talking about how she is moving to the "dream house" mentioned before...

So guess who overhears the call....

And of course Aryan slaps Ritu into giving up the address (more violence against women- wth is wrong with this movie????). He drives with her until about a mile away from house, and ties her up in the car (are we counting here? hellloooo?) and leaves her right there (brilliant :S).

At the "Dream house" (what's with the whole dream house thing? reminds me of Barbie!), Adi has just left to get supplies. Keep in mind, the husband and wife are alone in this humongous, well- manicured mansion- no help to clean the pools and restrooms I gather...wifey/hubby get down and scrub???? but whatever....

But on the way to the store, Adi hears the screaming of poor tied-up Ritu, and decides to investigate....

He finds Ritu, and through their conversation, it is revealed to the audience that they in fact they have been seeing each other, he has therefore been cheating on Jhanvi, and had planned the whole deal so that Aryan would fall in love and murder Jhanvi, so that Adi can get his hands on her her business and insurance money.

Now we know that this doesn't make a whit of sense, since its too many suppositions. We simply do not have enough proof to support that Adi is so crafty and good a psychiatrist that he could manipulate his wife and Aryan so far out..but honestly, so far into the movie, who cares for logic, right?
Since Adi doesn't want to leave witnesses, he decides he wants to kill his gf and accomplice Ritu as well.....

But is stopped by the sudden appearance of Aryan, who it turns out has figured out that Ritu and Adi were playing false all along, and has now caught him in the act....

As is predictable, huge fight scene ensues.....and they fight all the way to the house!

Where guess who ends up taking matters into her own hands, beating Aryan down with a shovel (but then, he threw her down a building, so I guess that makes it even)

Aryan's dead, and so husband and wife end up in the bedroom (what?? no police?? no ambulance?? and what of Ritu in the car? is she still there?? 'cos I don't thing she died....). In the privacy of their bedroom, he reveals his true colors....yes folks, that's a knife he is holding to her neck....

And she ran, she ran so far away....

Of course madam shows no emotion, even fixes her hair as she calmly follows the bf kicking the hubby's ass, and even killing him.....

Aryan ends up in jail, from where he is bailed out by Jhanvi (what??? 2 murder charges, and he is out????)

And they drive away, into a future of homicidal love and harmony, leading a life where they may throw each other down buildings and beat up the other's head with a shovel on a weekly basis (so I'd guess). I just want to know.....did thy ever get poor Ritu out of that forest? :D

Notes: SO easy to make fun off! Udita is absolutely expressionless, and therefore makes even the idiotic Tushar appear a dramatic, even emotive actor. Shreyas is very good though, and almost saves the movie, as does the cinematographer, who does a heck of a job. Now if only the casting director had rethought his decisions regarding the leading man and lady.....I guess I just don't have the same respect I have for Anant Mahadevan the Director that I have for Anant Mahadevan the Actor.
I do love Shreyas Talpade.....he's such a natural...I might just watch this one despite the goat Udita's presence.
Yes, she should totally switch careers- I am sure she has other skills besides trying to act.
Shreyas reminds me of a young Amol Palekar, which is probably a common reaction. Both the guys are from Maharashtra and share a slight likeness, but both also appear to share similar acting traits.
That said, Aggar is ONLY worth watching for his scenes. You are cautioned......:D
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