UPDATE (later the same evening): If you think the 2 bear resemblance to each other, say "yes" in the comment box- if not, say "no- if you cant decide, say "eh" :D
then I can do us a bar chart :D
UPDATE II: Its official! 99% of viewers, twitters and folks I spoke with agree- Abhay may resemble Vincent 20 years from now!
A tiny bit with sunglasses on, but mainly it's just you.
He does actually! Good observation :D
OMG !!
I think he does, too!
All right! everyone who stops by, say yae or nae or eh (on the fence)- and then we can do a bar chart :D
NAHIIIIIIIN!!!!! I HATE Vincent D'Onofrio and avoid watching the Law and Order episodes he appears in. But now that you point to it, there is a teensy weensy resemblance - but I am going to ignore it and say NO!
There is a resemblence but it is more like siblings, one looks hot and the other not so - good catch (I also watched Law&Order:CI this weekend but never saw the resemblence)
And to his defence, he may not be so hot but Vince D'onofrio is a good actor.
Yes! You caught a good one.
There is a slight resemblance, this just gives me all the more reason to love both of these men...I LOVE Abhay and all his movies...but not as much as Vincent and Criminal Intent's Robert Goren. *Dies of love at his weirdness*
Sona: I agree absolutely- though I am afraid I cant chose between the two- even though Vincent is getting as big as a bear these days :)
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